WELCOME TO CANADA! TechNova is a self-governing professional association of over 2,500 applied science and engineering technologists and technicians. Many of the TechNova-registered Technology Professionals were educated in Canada and many others acquired their primary technology education in another country. International Applicants represent a substantial portion of the Nova Scotia work force and this trend will continue into the future. To assist them as they consider relocating to Canada and then upon arrival, TechNova has developed a framework of services designed to assist International Applicants make a quick and sustained transition to the Nova Scotia workforce and build a meaningful and rewarding career as a Technologist or Technician. Application process Internationally Educated Professionals Please note: Internationally educated professionals with more than two years of relevant work experience can apply with TechNova. Certification may be granted for those currently not residing in Nova Scotia. Below are steps required to become a certified member of TechNova including some resource materials.